Domestic Violence

Approximately one in three women experience domestic violence. This statistic is unacceptable and the number should be zero. However, that unfortunately, is not the reality. If you have experienced domestic violence, Grace Family Law Solicitors can help you. We can assist you to engage with support services, to help you with whatever you need, whether it is housing, finances or counselling.

We can assist and represent victims of domestic violence in any Local Court proceedings for an Apprehended Domestic Violence Order, whether they are the Person in Need of Protection or the Defendant. We can also represent any victims of domestic violence in Local Court proceedings for domestic violence charges, where they have been identified as the Defendant.

We can also assist victims of domestic violence to apply for an Apprehended Domestic Violence Order or apply to vary an Apprehended Domestic Violence Order, in circumstances where the Police won’t assist them. We will prepare and file all necessary Court documents for your domestic violence matter and represent you at each Court Mention and Hearing.