Care & Protection

Sometimes life doesn’t go as well as you want or intend it to and things happen that cause issues at home for your children. At these times the Department of Communities and Justice may become involved with you and your family. If this happens, it is important that you obtain legal advice as soon as possible. Getting the right advice early on in the process may be the difference between your children remaining at home with you, or being brought into care.

If your children are formally removed from your care DCJ will apply to the Children’s Court for Court Orders. It is vital that you participate in the Court proceedings and have quality representation by your side. At Grace Family Law Solicitors we will represent you in all stages of your Court proceedings, provide you advice to assist you in having your children restored and prepare and file all necessary Court documents for you.

We can also assist you after Final Orders have been made for your children, if you wish to have the Orders varied and your children restored to your care, or you wish to negotiate your contact arrangements with your children. At Grace Family Law Solicitors we can represent you at a mediation to discuss contact arrangements or represent you in Court proceedings for Contact Orders or restoration.
If you know a child who is subject to Children’s Court proceedings and you are caring for them or wanting to care for them, it may be appropriate for you to be involved in the proceedings. If you are in this situation it is important to obtain advice to understand your rights and obligations. At Grace Family Law Solicitors we can explain how the Court proceedings will impact you and what you need to do.